Scan and download the app directly to your phone
Gratis 0 SEK/month | Premium from 29 SEK/month | |
Number of houses: ID | 1 | Unlimited |
Information retrieval | Free sources | Unlimited |
Bonus points | 1x | 2x |
Storage Space | 1 GB | 100 GB |
Invite more people | 2 | Unlimited |
You can buy a Premium subscription per property as the subscription is linked to the property and not an account.
That’s right, premium applies per home, not per account. This means that if you have one account and two homes, the premium benefits apply to one home. This is based on the data being processed and retrieved being handled per home and not per account.
We think it is a right to have access to information about your home. It is probably the biggest investment of your life that you need to take care of and develop to get the value development you want. Therefore, a House: ID is always basically free. In addition to the free version, there is also an option for a Premium version for you with several homes, for you who want to invite non-owners to your House: ID, retrieve information automatically from all sources and more.
You can cancel your premium subscription whenever you wish via Settings – My Account – Account Type. No charges will then be made based on your chosen payment method. House:ID follows the routines from Apple / Google Play, which means that we do not refund any value of the remaining subscription time, but you have of course have access to all functions until the subscription expires.
The app simplifying house ownership.