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House: ID uses two types of cookies, session-based cookies, which disappear as soon as you close your browser, but also more long-lasting cookies in order to optimize future visits.
In addition, cookies from third parties can be used in cases where we use external services to improve the product
The main purpose of House: ID’s use of cookies is to improve your experience of the services we offer. We use cookies to manage logins and to increase the security of our users, to analyze users and user behavior anonymously to know which parts of the service we should improve. Analyzing how our e-mails work and that we send information that you as a user appreciate, as well as remembering settings and other choices that you make on our websites are other reasons why we use cookies.
If you do not want us to use cookies, you can easily turn this off. In your browser, you can make settings that prevent House: ID and others from registering cookies on your computer. However, such settings mean that some features of most websites will not work.
If you want, you can in most browsers ‘settings choose to only turn off tracking, which means that House: ID does not align data from our own and, where applicable, our partners’ websites.
To do the same on your phone, you can choose to limit tracking for iOS under privacy and advertising settings. For Android, do this under Google settings and ads.
More information about cookies and safe use of web services is available at
We use cookies and data to:
Improve the user experience of the website.
Measure visitor statistics to understand and optimize how the website is used.
We use cookies and data to:
Develop new features and enhance the website.
Display personalized content based on your interests and queries.
If you want to know more about our terms for the House:ID service and how we manage your and your home’s data, you can read more in our General Terms and Privacy Policy.